Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Entering into this new phase as a family has indeed been exciting. The baby is coming and Josh has gotten a promotion. I've been just so overwhelmed by the display of God's favor upon our lives.
I thank God for the opportunity to stay at home with the kids and the calling to homeschool them. It is through the hours we spent together at home that i get to witness how they are adjusting into this new phase.
Skye has really grown and mature in his role as a big brother. He loves his sister and really can't be apart from her without a good cause :) Last Sunday, Josh and I were leading on stage. And no one was sitting with the kids, so I told Skye to take care of his sis. And whenever it was time to refer to scriptures, Skye would take out his bible, searched for it and showed it to Trinity. And during offering time, he gave trinity the money and prompted her to put in the offering bag. I was so proud of him as i witnessed all these from the stage. And when it was time to leave for sunday sch, he came up to the stage and gave both of us a hug. He's such a darling.
At home, he does his chores willing, and sometimes even help out without being told. He clears the dryer, cleans the dining table and today, wet mopped the floor. And he tidies his room real neat.
Most of all, God has given him a sensitive heart. Whenever he hears an "ouch" from me, he's always quick to check if I'm alright. (josh has trained him well too.)
He's really my darling boy.