Friday, December 19, 2008

First Day Of Convention

We arrived at Port Dickson on sunday late evening. The next morning, after breakfast, we went to the beach with the Tans, before the itenarary for the convention began. And I'm glad we did for the following reasons: 
1. When convention began, we hardly had time to relax with kids, except for one short swim in the pool which we managed to take time off for on wed. 2. It was a great time with the kids and real good friends :) And Skye totally enjoyed himself while Trinity managed to go greater depth in sea, much credit goes to Daddy.3. If it was not for the beach trip, the following experience would not have happened.
Here it is: That night, while bro and sis were settling in bed, they were chatting about the beach, and Trinity was telling her bro that she was afraid of the waves. Then Skye asked me, "Mommy, is there anything to be scared of?" I told him no, and explained about how when we have Christ within us, there is nothing to fear and how God is bigger than the boogie-man (from veggietales). After explaining, I asked him if he wants to invite Jesus into his heart. And he said yes! I was so surprised that I asked him again. Then I called Josh into the bedroom and there and then, we said the prayer with Skye asking Jesus to come into his heart. About 2 years ago, when Skye was 3, he told me he one morning, "i want Jesus in my heart" and I prayed with him. But i think this time round, he understood what it meant more in depth. And i was surprised because he had been kind of "goofy" about serious stuff.Praise the Lord! He was working even in the life of my son during the convention! And today, he was humming a warfare/victory song that we sang in convention, which we have totally forgotten the song since it was unfamiliar to us. I thank God for my amazing son :)

(Pictures from this post taken by Caleb :P)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

International Convention.

It was really an amazing time at the convention! Personally, I learnt a lot, from the worship, the teaching sessions, the running of the convention in its administrative and logistic sense. 
During the convention, we shared a two-rooms apartment with Dad and Mom (my in-laws). And I'm very appreciative of them and how they let us have the room with the attached bathroom so that we can join the two beds together for my family (since in the other room, it was not possible to link the two bed up). I really appreciate them and I thank God for such supportive and understanding in-laws and spiritual parents. Last sunday, I had the chance to give both of them a hug and tell them I appreciate them.  
Also, this is the first time we had a church convention with our "twins" - Caleb and Debbie. During an altar call (for those under age 35), Debbie took care of Skye and Trinity for the entire time, and Josh and I had to chance to really soak in the presence of the Lord together for the first time with no worries! And watching how Caleb leads in worship challenged me to re-think about being involved in worship again. It re-ignites the passion of abandoned worship in me. Mmm...must pray. 
And of course, I am glad that Josh was with me throughout the entire experience. It is beyond words what the Lord has been in our lives, how He is bringing forth "the two shall become one" synergy. Many a times, Josh has been there to catch me before I fall and support me while I cling onto God when things get tough. He is the best!