Friday, December 19, 2008

First Day Of Convention

We arrived at Port Dickson on sunday late evening. The next morning, after breakfast, we went to the beach with the Tans, before the itenarary for the convention began. And I'm glad we did for the following reasons: 
1. When convention began, we hardly had time to relax with kids, except for one short swim in the pool which we managed to take time off for on wed. 2. It was a great time with the kids and real good friends :) And Skye totally enjoyed himself while Trinity managed to go greater depth in sea, much credit goes to Daddy.3. If it was not for the beach trip, the following experience would not have happened.
Here it is: That night, while bro and sis were settling in bed, they were chatting about the beach, and Trinity was telling her bro that she was afraid of the waves. Then Skye asked me, "Mommy, is there anything to be scared of?" I told him no, and explained about how when we have Christ within us, there is nothing to fear and how God is bigger than the boogie-man (from veggietales). After explaining, I asked him if he wants to invite Jesus into his heart. And he said yes! I was so surprised that I asked him again. Then I called Josh into the bedroom and there and then, we said the prayer with Skye asking Jesus to come into his heart. About 2 years ago, when Skye was 3, he told me he one morning, "i want Jesus in my heart" and I prayed with him. But i think this time round, he understood what it meant more in depth. And i was surprised because he had been kind of "goofy" about serious stuff.Praise the Lord! He was working even in the life of my son during the convention! And today, he was humming a warfare/victory song that we sang in convention, which we have totally forgotten the song since it was unfamiliar to us. I thank God for my amazing son :)

(Pictures from this post taken by Caleb :P)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

International Convention.

It was really an amazing time at the convention! Personally, I learnt a lot, from the worship, the teaching sessions, the running of the convention in its administrative and logistic sense. 
During the convention, we shared a two-rooms apartment with Dad and Mom (my in-laws). And I'm very appreciative of them and how they let us have the room with the attached bathroom so that we can join the two beds together for my family (since in the other room, it was not possible to link the two bed up). I really appreciate them and I thank God for such supportive and understanding in-laws and spiritual parents. Last sunday, I had the chance to give both of them a hug and tell them I appreciate them.  
Also, this is the first time we had a church convention with our "twins" - Caleb and Debbie. During an altar call (for those under age 35), Debbie took care of Skye and Trinity for the entire time, and Josh and I had to chance to really soak in the presence of the Lord together for the first time with no worries! And watching how Caleb leads in worship challenged me to re-think about being involved in worship again. It re-ignites the passion of abandoned worship in me. Mmm...must pray. 
And of course, I am glad that Josh was with me throughout the entire experience. It is beyond words what the Lord has been in our lives, how He is bringing forth "the two shall become one" synergy. Many a times, Josh has been there to catch me before I fall and support me while I cling onto God when things get tough. He is the best!

Friday, November 14, 2008

WALL-E is Skye's latest fad. He watched it really liked it, his eyes were glued to the screen all the time. Here is a figurine of WALL-E at the Singapore Discovery Centre, a place the family went on children's day (1-Oct).

The funny thing on that day was that Skye and Trinity enjoyed what was outside of SDC (see later pics for why) than inside (what we actually went to SDC for)... what a joke :)
But ST loved it so it was all worth it ...

Anyway, while inside SDC, someones became a TV personalities doing martial arts!
Can you guess who they are???? .... see below for a hint...

This was what Skye and Trinity enjoyed most about SDC... i call it the air-filled playground ... outside of SDC actually

Skye and Trinity were running and climbing and sliding so much ... it was a wonder how i managed to get some pics of them... pure help from God lah i tell you... (thanks ah God!) :)

Trinity got so tired we found her taking a breather in one of the 'huts' ...

Skye had endless energy, not stopping even once to rest... great anointing in playing lah i must say! :)

Then it started again up the 'mountain slide', boy! these 2 kids were brave climbing up and sliding down the super high slide. so proud of them! :) woo hoo!

Beautiful pic of mommy and daugther...


it was a great children's day for our beloved, super-energized, bouncy, playful, funny children!

joy of family

Viewing photos of family special moments never fail to bring melted heartfelt emotions, smiles and 'hearty laughter' *winking at L & CD
The family is an entity ordained by God, and for this we praise Him and thank Him for all the blessings and joy the family has brought to us.

Here is 1 of those moments ...

On Skye's 5th birthday (7-11...yup! as cool & corny as it is, it is. 7-nov),...
the family went for the first time to the Singapore Flyer - woo hoo! the highest ferris-wheel in the whole wide world! (i think!..ha! but it sure was high up there...)
it was soooo slow that the birthday boy kept asking if we were movingand when we ever reach up to the top...tsk! tsk! tsk! kids these days so eager so eager :) but we eventually got up to the top and the view was great.

Skye and Trinity enjoyed themselves so much... see them dancing ? cool moves!

some pics of the scenery...

(wish i had a taken in paranormic mode ... sayang lah... next time lah...)

Thanks to 'Aunty' Serene who sooo sooo soo graciously and selflessly who made all the arrangements and came all the way (without her car!!!) there to pass us the complimentary tickets (heart melt). THANK YOU to 'Aunty Serene' :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Spiritual Warriors!

Maybe because we have begun to do warfare these days (at home with kids and in prayer meeting), our kids have kind of tap on the warrior spirit.
Three weeks ago, we had an amazing time during the Youth Cell Meeting. The Spirit came upon the entire meeting, and the youth received the gifts of the Spirit. We even had a time of warring in the spiritual realm. It was something we did not prepared for but have been praying for it to happen. It was just awesome! And at the end of the meeting when we prayed for Jason, who was leaving for UK, everyone had a vision and a word for him (yes, they boldly spoke forth even though they were "newbies"!)
After we ended the meeting, Skye told Josh that he was fighting the devil earlier on. And after fighting for a while, there was this picture of him and Jesus standing next to him. I asked him about his vision later to confirmed if it was a picture he drew on paper. He replied it was a picture he had in his mind! 
Maybe I should take it by faith that he was warring for his daddy and mommy during the meeting, and that he saw victory even before we did. It is also a great assurance to know that our son knows Jesus is the victory and Jesus is always with him.
Last Sunday service, both of them were sitting in during the sermon, listening to their grandfather preach about Spiritual Warfare. And Trinity caught him saying "fighting the devil" and promptly turned to me and said firmly, "I can fight the devil also!"

Bible Reading

(Skye fixed up this model of the moon rotating around the earth on his own just by reading the manual. I wasn't even aware till it was done!)
This morning, Skye took out his bible (my NIV bible which I gave it to him some time back) and proudly showed it to me, telling me he's going to read the bible. So he sat on the sofa, doing his own bible reading, reading out in a voice. After reading, he showed me the verses he read 1 Corinthians 9:20 and Obadiah. 
I managed to keep cool while cleaning up the milk mess Trinity created. But having Skye read the verse to me (while I was cleaning), brought a sense of indescribable peace. My good Lord always gives me the portion I need, and this accentuate the truth that God's Word is living and full of power in its own.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Little Angel or Little Warrior

Trinity, she's definitely adorable! Her sweet smile and gentle angelic looks can really melt our hearts. And when she speaks with her cutesy voice... But within her is a tough spirit.  She is not one that can be easily bullied. Kids will not be able to snatch from her what she claims her hold on until they asked.
That tough spirit is going to help her secure her spiritual territory! The enemy will not be able to snatch her claims in God from her. 
Recently, I just taught the kids to do warfare whenever they are afraid. And Trinity would always have the fiesty look when she says, "In Jesus' name, go away!"
And she always look forward to go for prayerwalk around our neighborhood. And today, we started on another new block, our 4th block.
She is our little angel and she is our little warrior!

Our Special Son

Skye, our dearest son, really surprised me last Friday when we went shopping. 
I was shopping for a backpack for Trinity. She had been wanting one since she kept seeing her brother carrying his. Her new strawberry shortcake bag was so cute that I decided maybe I should get a new one for Skye. Ya, I know, the old one is still working fine, no need for a new one. But I just wanted to give him the option of choosing a character-bag for himself.
Much to my surprise, these were his words: "I don't want. I want to use my bag. When it's old, then I'll buy a new one." Wow!!! 
And when Trinity held up a bob-the-builder bag for him and asked, "Kor kor, for you?" He repeated the same thing. 
Ever since he was young, I knew in my heart, this boy is special. On the outside, he may appear tough or even at times, too aggressive. But I know, God has given him a special purpose. It is my job, as a parent to use whatever abilities and talents God has given him to equip him in his calling, and to help mold all the seemingly bad traits into godly character traits that God can use for His Kingdom. I believe, definitely, that Skye's passionate character will develop in him a heart of worship for our true God and his aggressiveness will be essential in the calling for claiming lost grounds for God!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

And the Story Goes...

As Skye was finishing up his milk before bed last night, he told me this story:
Once, there was an elf. And the devil came and ask him, "What are you doing?" 
And the elf said, "I'm worshipping Jesus, He is faithful and powerful!"
And the devil asked, "Why are you worshipping Jesus?"
And the elf replied, "Because I'm worshipping the true and living God!"

Hallelujah! Even though it has a fictional character in it, I enjoyed the "short story" totally. And this is my prayer always, that my kids will grow up knowing God, worshipping God all the days of their lives.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Hearing God's Voice

Previously, I have prompted Skye to listen for God's voice. And I remember there was once, on our way to sunday church service, as we asked him what's God saying, he replied, "Read God's Word". 
Today, I started Skye on his journey of journalling. We read the book about gift of tongues, spent some time praying, thanking God and asking Him to give us more gifts. Then we prayed in tongues, and kept silent to listen for God's voice. After sometime, he turned to me and said, "God said, 'Share, and love the people.'" So I got out his very first journal and jot those words down.
Amazing! There's really no age limit to hearing God's voice! I believe by faith, that Skye is growing stronger in the spirit and that God is honoring that desire.

Seeing Angels

Well, it started some time back, during a prayer meeting, Trinity replied that she saw angels, that they were dressed in white, praising God
Two wednesdays ago, after a time of worship at prayer meeting, Trinity looked up and again, she exclaimed, "Angels! Angels praising God!" This is the forth time of her encounter with angels. 
I do long to see angels, heavenly beings...and Trinity's encounter reminded me: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God."

Friday, July 4, 2008

Living a Life of Worship

Now to make it obvious that I "tune into God" even doing my daily chores at home, I verbalize my praise and worship. 
Yesterday morning, while clearing the breakfast table, I uttered, "Praise You, Lord, hallelujah!" *tongues*. And Skye, at that moment, was with his sister, building number blocks. And upon hearing me praising God, he broke into tongues! And started his own time of praise! Hallelujah! What a wonderful way to start the day!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Our Little Warrior

Yesterday morning, Trinity was mumbling some words off the posters outside her room when out of the blue, she exclaimed, "I want to go prayer walk!". That was a total surprise! 

And today, she had a little chat with me about fighting Goliath! We were sitting at the dining table and she was finishing her orange juice when she turned and told me she wanted to fight Goliath. She said in her cutesy yet firm voice, "I hold the sword and fight Goliath." After reminding her that she's holding the sword of the Spirit, she went on to say, "I put on the armor of God, hold the sword and fight Goliath...I hold David's hand... David's hand is small, I hold David's hand and fight Goliath!"

This little sweetie of ours, at the age of 2 years and 5 months, has already learnt the full armor of God, exclaimed she wanted to go prayer walk and wants to fight Goliath. I knew God gave her the special personality that she has for a special purpose!

Monday, June 23, 2008

"I Love God"

Skye drew this on last sat morning. My heart is so comforted, so extremely overjoyed, when I saw the words "I love God" on the truck, it's like God sending us a message saying we're on the right track in imparting to our kids, the faith and love for our Awesome God!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Prayer Walking Warriors!

A few months ago, God spoke to my heart about intercessory prayer for my neighbours. I asked the Lord, "There's so much work to be done, so many people to pray for, You have to show me how to do that." The Lord answered me - bring the kids for prayerwalk. So ever since then, my two little darlings have been my prayer partners in this "Prayer Walking the Estate" project!

We have completed Block 652 (that's our block) and 651. Today, we started on 649. Before we began, we held hands and pray for covering. Then on the way to the battle ground, we sang "In the Name of Jesus." Skye always likes the part about demons fleeing in the Name of Jesus. (And he likes showing us how the devil runs when he quotes from the Amour of God chart "The sword of the Spirit is the word of God. Speak it and watch the devil run........"). Sometimes, the kids will "blesssss....." the neighbours. Today, I enlisted Skye's help by getting him to pray in tongues for a couple of muslim houses.

After finishing six floors, we ended with power declaration!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Power Declaration!

I have started stirring the kids to declare praises aloud at home. Today, after lunch, (randomly again), I looked at them and said, "C'mon, let's say 'Praise the Lord' three times." And together, Skye and Trinity shouted with all their might, "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!" Then we ended by giving the Lord a clap offering. 
Even with their kiddy voices, I felt as if the heavenly and earthly realm shook! The power declaration not only gave God the praises that He deserves, it also met the enemy and declared that Jesus is the Lord of this household!

Heart of Worship 2

This morning i woke and the first thought that came to my mind was to give praise to my God. So i did and I spent just 1-2 mins in bed praising Him in whisper praise when skye entered the room worshipping aloud and this time he was not aware i was awake yet, so i kept silent and pretended to be alseep so i could hear what he was saying to God. This is some of what i heard: "O God You are wonderful. Praise You Lord. God is good. I praise You Jesus. *tongues.............* You are marvellous. You are Redeemer. I love You Jesus. ... " was what he went on and on and on for the next 5-10mins while figuring out a wooden puzzle game! I thought it was quite funny multi-tasking the 2 things, but isn't that the way our lifestyle should be? worshipping God so naturally that it becomes continuous even whilst going about our daily tasks... wow! what a powerful lesson indeed!

Thank You, Father, for using my son to teach me such a valuable trait You desire to see in my life as well. Pour out a double even triple anointing on my children, let Lynda and I see a generation of youths and young people turning to You becos of what You purposed in my children's lives.

Thank You, Lord Jesus.


Monday, June 16, 2008

Heart of Worship

Two nights ago (sat), when we settle down for prayer time before bed, Skye started bursting out, speaking in tongues. This is not is his first time, but we were totally surprised at this sudden outburst without our prompting. At that time, I had barely gotten far from "Dear Heavenly Father..."
It was amazing! He went on praising in tongues and singing in the spirit "Hallelujah, praise You Lord..." Was "heaps" amazing! The praises were like flowing out from his mouth, and he was real serious about what he was doing, with his eyes closed and his voice going loud and soft, could almost hear the intensity in his voice.
Then finally after more than 5 minutes, he collapsed, saying, "Mommy, I'm tired of praying already. " At that moment, I just thought to myself, "Wow, what a wonderful way to end the day, praising God till we fall asleep in His bosom."
That was the longest ever we've heard Skye praising in tongues. It is always our prayer that God will put in our kids a heart of worship for the Sovereign God. 
"Thank You LORD, for allowing us to witness the answer to our prayers."

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Welcome to our family blog! We have decided to pen down our new journey as a family. So many things have happened in the last few months. And we're definitely certain that in the months and years to come, there will be many more. Well, so now it's time that we journal down as many as we possibly can, to share with you what our amazing God has been doing in our lives and to give glory to Him who deserves all praise and thanksgiving. But as David, the psalmist said , "Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders you have done. The things You planned for us, no one can recount to You; were I to speak and tell of them, there would be too many to declare."